
Our Vision

For all people everywhere to have a personal, life changing relationship with Jesus Christ by being born again (John 3:3-8)

Encourage all people in finding, following and fulfilling their God given purpose. You are a person of destiny. (2 Cor 5:17) (1 Peter 2: 9-10)

Living the abundant life that Jesus has promised. (John 10:10)



OUR PastorS - nick and amy costa

Surfside Church is led by local Pastors Nick and Amy Costa.  

They are passionate about sharing God's love and forgiveness to everyone, anywhere - because you matter to God! (John 3:16-17)  




International network of churches

We serve our community under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and belong to the International Network of Churches www.inc.org.au  (previously known as Christian Outreach Centres)

Our WA State oversight are Pastors Geoff and Rhonda Woodward of MetroChurch Perth www.metrochurch.org.au 


View our statement of faith below


I'm New

If you are visiting Surfside Church or would like to contact someone about one of our ministries or connect groups, get in touch we would love to meet you.
